Automate RFP Responses

Streamline RFP responses with Alfred AI—connect sources, use Slack commands, and get accurate, reference-backed answers in minutes!

Alfred AI empowers sales operations teams to streamline the process of responding to RFPs (Request for Proposals), saving time, improving accuracy, and ensuring consistency. Leveraging past RFP data, Alfred AI generates high-quality responses to new RFPs, giving your sales team a competitive edge. Here's how you can implement and use Alfred AI's automated RFP workflow:

Connect Sources for Continuous Context Updates

To ensure Alfred AI is trained on the latest RFP data, connect it to sources like Google Sheets or Google Docs where your team stores past RFP responses.

  1. Set Up Document Storage:
    • Use a dedicated Google Drive folder to store all past RFPs and their responses in Google Sheets or Docs.
    • Maintain a structured format (e.g., question in one column, response in another) to simplify parsing.
  2. Integrate with Alfred AI:
    • Log into Alfred AI and navigate to the Integrations section.
    • Connect your Google Drive account and authorize Alfred AI to access specific folders.
    • Configure the system to sync data regularly, ensuring Alfred AI is always updated with new RFP responses.

Enable RFP Requests via Slack

Make it easy for your team to generate RFP responses using Alfred AI by enabling a Slack integration.

  1. Install Alfred AI Slack App:
    • Go to the Slack App Directory and install the Alfred AI app for your workspace.
    • Connect the app to your Alfred AI account through an authentication process.
  2. Activate Slash Command:
    • Configure the slash command /alfredai rfp response in the Slack app settings.
    • Ensure permissions are granted to allow team members to use this command.
  3. Test the Command:
    • Type /alfredai rfp response in any Slack channel or DM with Alfred AI to initiate a request.

Attach the RFP Sheet or Ask Questions Directly

Alfred AI offers two options to input RFP questions:

  1. Upload an RFP Sheet:
    • After using the Slack slash command, Alfred AI will prompt you to upload an RFP Sheet containing all the questions.
    • Ensure the sheet is structured with one column for questions and another for references or notes, if available.
  2. Directly Ask Questions:
    • If you don’t have an RFP Sheet ready, simply type your RFP question in Slack after triggering the command.
    • Alfred AI will generate an immediate response based on its training data.

Generate and Share Responses

Once the RFP request is processed, Alfred AI will deliver responses in a new Google Sheet for easy review and sharing.

  1. Automatic Sheet Creation:
    • Alfred AI will create a new Google Sheet titled with the RFP name or request date.
    • Each row in the sheet will correspond to a question from the RFP, with responses populated in adjacent columns.
  2. Include References:
    • To ensure transparency, Alfred AI will include references from past RFPs for each generated response, making it easy to validate and edit if necessary.
  3. Share with Team Members:
    • The Google Sheet link will be shared in the Slack thread where the request originated, enabling collaboration and review.

Automation in action

  1. Connect your RFP sources to Alfred AI for continuous learning.
  2. Use the Slack command /alfredai rfp response to initiate a request.
  3. Attach an RFP Sheet or ask questions directly in Slack.
  4. Receive a Google Sheet with complete responses and references.


  • Efficiency: Automates repetitive tasks, saving hours of manual work.
  • Accuracy: Leverages past responses to ensure consistency and quality.
  • Collaboration: Centralizes RFP response management for better team alignment.
  • Scalability: Handles large RFPs effortlessly, empowering your sales team to focus on strategy.

With Alfred AI’s automated RFP workflow, sales operations teams can unlock new levels of productivity and win more deals by delivering timely, high-quality RFP responses.

Build automations of the future.